Today’s challenge took a lot more code to solve than my solution for day 1. There’s just a lot of conditional branching going on. As far as I can tell that’s sort of inherent to the classic “rock paper scissors” program this is based on, though.
That said, I’m sure there’s a “cleverer” way to solve this, with probably less conditional branching code-mess and more maps with pre-defined scores. That said, this was the first thing that came to mind when working through the problem organically. It works, it’s mostly readable, so it’s what I’m sticking with 😎
def get_move_points(move):
if move == "rock":
return 1
if move == "paper":
return 2
if move == "scissors":
return 3
def get_move(input):
move_map = {
"A": "rock",
"B": "paper",
"C": "scissors",
"X": "rock",
"Y": "paper",
"Z": "scissors"
return move_map.get(input)
def get_results(row):
results = {"comp": 0, "you": 0}
# get players moves
comp_move = get_move(row[0])
your_move = get_move(row[2])
# add baseline move points
results.update({"comp": results.get('comp') + get_move_points(comp_move)})
results.update({"you": results.get('you') + get_move_points(your_move)})
# figure out who won and who should get points
# I intentionally used update here: wanted to see how the syntax worked
# I know you can just use [] accessors.
if comp_move == your_move:
# draw results
results.update({"comp": results.get('comp') + 3})
results.update({"you": results.get('you') + 3})
elif comp_move == "rock":
if your_move == "scissors":
results.update({"comp": results.get('comp') + 6})
if your_move == "paper":
results.update({"you": results.get('you') + 6})
elif comp_move == "paper":
if your_move == "scissors":
results.update({"you": results.get('you') + 6})
if your_move == "rock":
results.update({"comp": results.get('comp') + 6})
elif comp_move == "scissors":
if your_move == "paper":
results.update({"comp": results.get('comp') + 6})
if your_move == "rock":
results.update({"you": results.get('you') + 6})
return results
def get_outcome(input):
outcome_map = {
"X": "lose",
"Y": "draw",
"Z": "win",
return outcome_map.get(input)
def get_results_part_two(row):
results = {"comp": 0, "you": 0}
# get comp move and outcome
comp_move = get_move(row[0])
outcome = get_outcome(row[2])
# baseline move points for the computer
results["comp"] += get_move_points(comp_move)
if comp_move == "rock":
if outcome == "win":
results["comp"] += 0
results["you"] += 6 + get_move_points('paper')
if outcome == "draw":
results["comp"] += 3
results["you"] += 3 + get_move_points('rock')
if outcome == "lose":
results["comp"] += 6
results["you"] += get_move_points('scissors')
elif comp_move == "paper":
if outcome == "win":
results["comp"] += 0
results["you"] += 6 + get_move_points('scissors')
if outcome == "draw":
results["comp"] += 3
results["you"] += 3 + get_move_points('paper')
if outcome == "lose":
results["comp"] += 6
results["you"] += get_move_points('rock')
elif comp_move == "scissors":
if outcome == "win":
results["comp"] += 0
results["you"] += 6 + get_move_points('rock')
if outcome == "draw":
results["comp"] += 3
results["you"] += 3 + get_move_points('scissors')
if outcome == "lose":
results["comp"] += 6
results["you"] += get_move_points('paper')
return results
def load_data():
with open('./input.txt', 'r') as file:
raw_data = file.readlines()
data = [line.strip('\n') for line in raw_data]
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = load_data()
# part one: get your total score given the strategy guide
total_scores_p1 = {"comp": 0, "you": 0}
for rps in data:
rps_results = get_results(rps)
total_scores_p1["comp"] += rps_results["comp"]
total_scores_p1["you"] += rps_results["you"]
print(f"part 1: Your total points are: {total_scores_p1['you']}")
# part two: get your total score given the new interpretation
total_scores_p2 = {"comp": 0, "you": 0}
for rps in data:
rps_results = get_results_part_two(rps)
total_scores_p2["comp"] += rps_results["comp"]
total_scores_p2["you"] += rps_results["you"]
print(f"part 1: Your total points are: {total_scores_p2['you']}")